5 Ways to Find Rest
We know life can empty our tank. We just don’t always know how to refill it. Here’s 5 things that will help refuel you when you feel like you’re running on empty.
Find real rest. We all know we need rest. We don’t always know what helps us feel rested. Take some time and think: When was the last time I felt rested, and what helped me feel like that. Its different for everyone, but I’ll bet it had something to do with disconnecting from the weight of responsibility you carry. Whatever helped you do that, do that. Regularly.
Unpack your bags. Negative emotions can weigh us down an wear us out like few things can. Take some time to reflect. Ask yourself: What am I carrying? What’s made me sad, angry, afraid? What feels heavy on my heart and mind? Then find someone to talk to who listens well and asks good questions. Talk to a friend, mentor, pastor, counselor. Get things off your chest. It will help your soul to rest from the strain of carrying something emotionally heavy.
Connect with your purpose. When someone is connected with their purpose in life, they have all the energy they need. What’s the old saying? “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” That’s not totally true, but the work is easier when we’re doing the things we feel like we were made to do. Ask: What gives me energy when I give energy to it? Or, What’s the most rewarding thing about my work? Both of those things are clues to our purpose. When we live with purpose, it adds fuel to our tank.
Do something fun. No, seriously. Go have some fun. Speaker Todd Muscleman said, “Fun drags us into the present. You’ve never had fun when you were distracted or preoccupied. “ Find that thing that makes you laugh out loud, that thing that you deeply enjoy. Recreation and fun are where our physical and and emotional lives come together. When you do something you enjoy, you find . . . well, joy. And joy restores us and refills our depleted tank.
Get with people you really love. You know who they are. You can spend hours together and wish you had more time with them. They remind you who you really are. They love you just like you really are. Time with them restores you. Don’t have friends like that? Find some. Be those kinds of friends to others. We weren’t built to be alone. Deep, empathetic connection fills us. So hang out. Have a drink. Get some dinner and talk. Make it a regular thing. You need them.
These aren’t silver bullets. None of them alone will do all you need. And doing them once, or once in a while will only help a little - like drinking a little water when you’re really thirsty.
How are your habits of rest?
The secret isn’t in what we do some of the time - it’s in what we do all of the time. Put regular doses of these into your day, week, month, and year. Then notice how rested you start to feel.